First of all, it creates a new function whose output is 5. Second, it makes the variable five point at that function.
To be honest, though, that syntax is a little weird. If I want to bind five to the number 5, I write five = 5. If I want to bind it to the string 'five', I write five = 'five'. If I want to make five point to a function that returns 5, why can't I do something similar? Why not something like five = <pointer at a function that returns 5>? That's where the lambda keyword comes in.
Syntax for defining lambda functions
A lambda expression directly evaluates to a pointer at a function, in the same way that an arithmetic expression directly evaluates to a number. lambda expressions follow this format:
For example lambda: 5 is a pointer at a function named "λ", which has no parameters and returns 5. You could bind the variable five to that pointer, by writing something like five = lambda: 5.
Now we have a variable that points at a function. We can call it in the usual way.
>>> five = lambda: 5
>>> five()
Meanwhile lambda x: x is a pointer at a function named "λ", which simply returns its input. You could bind the variable identity to that pointer, by writing something like identity = lambda x: x.
>>> identity = lambda x: x
>>> identity(4)
It's also possible to use the lambda keyword to make a function that takes in multiple arguments. For instance, consider average = lambda x, y: (x + y) / 2.
The takeaway? A lambda expression evaluates to a pointer at a function. So when we bind a variable to a lambda expression, that binds the variable to a pointer at a function. Then we can use the variable to call the function like we're used to.
def statements versus lambda expressions
So ... what's the difference between a def statement and a lambda expression?
A def statement creates a function and binds it to a variable, whereas a lambda expression creates a function without binding it to a variable. It's up to you what to do with that lambda function — bind it to a variable, call it, whatever. In this way, def is just a shorthand way of making a function and binding it to a variable at the same time, without having to explicitly assign the variable using the = operator.
The most important difference is what you can actually do with them. Within a def statement you can assign local variables, evaluate chains of if / elif / else statements, and do iteration with while loops. A lambda expression is much more limited. You have your parameters before the colon, and your output after the colon. There's no room to do anything else, like variable assignment or boolean logic or iteration. Literally, a lambda expression lets you return a value, and do nothing else.
That means you can also rewrite lambda expressions as one-line def statements, if you so desire. This might help you get used to them, when you're just starting out. For example, these two snippets of code are basically the same:
add = lambda x, y: x + y
def add(x, y):
return x + y
Make sure you understand everything we've covered so far in this chapter, before reading on.
Pyagrams with lambda functions
In the previous section we saw a few examples of how to draw lambda functions in pyagrams. Now it's time to go into more detail.
Evaluating lambda expressions
Remember, a lambda expression literally evaluates to a pointer at a function. As we saw earlier the function is named "λ", and as with any function in a pyagram, we write its inputs in parentheses after its name.
add = lambda x, y: x + y
Each time you read the word lambda, it evaluates to a new pointer at a new lambda function, even if that results in having two identical lamdba functions. That's because each lambda expression is evaluated individually. This code, for instance, creates two separate lambda functions that both return 5.
f = lambda: 5
g = lambda: 5
Meanwhile this code creates only one lambda function. Then it copies the pointer down from f into g like we learned how to do when we first learned about functions and pointers.
f = lambda: 5
g = f
Also, a lambda function's parent frame is the frame you're in when you actually read the word lambda. (This is similar to how the parent of a normal function is the frame you're in when you read the word def.) In the code below, we evaluate the lambda expression in frame 1 so its parent is frame 1.
First we define make_square in the global frame with an ordinary def statement.
Then we see the line square = make_square(), which we can't complete until we know the value of make_square().
We start a flag for the function call.
Then we fill in the flag banner. We look up make_square in the global frame to find that it's bound to a pointer at a function. Then we copy that pointer down into the flag banner.
With the flag banner complete, we can start frame 1 to evaluate the function call.
The only line in make_square is return lambda x: x ** 2. This creates a lambda function and returns a pointer to that lambda function. Notably, the parent of the lambda function is frame 1, since that's the frame we were in when we created it.
Last of all we go back to the global frame, where we can finish binding square to the value of make_square().
So in summary:
Whenever you read the word lambda, it evaluates to a new pointer at a new lambda function, even if that results in having two identical lambda functions.
The parent of the lambda function is the frame where you read the word lambda.
Practice: evaluating the same lambda expression twice
Consider this modification of the example from the previous section:
As before, we open up frame 1 for the call to make_square, where we evaluate the lambda expression to get a new pointer at a new squaring function. The function's parent is frame 1, since that's the frame where we create it. Then we return the pointer from the call to make_square, and bind it to the variable square_1 in the global frame.
After we're back in the global frame, we get to square_2 = make_square(). Since we're just calling make_square again, we will basically repeat the same process from before.
First of all, we'll have to make a new flag for the second call to make_square().
Then we fill in the flag banner with the value of make_square. Again, we just look it up in the global frame since that's the first frame above the flag we're working on.
Once the flag is done, we can start a new frame. This one will be called frame 2, since it's the second frame other than the global frame. Like frame 1, it's for make_square. Frame 2's parent is the global frame, since it corresponds to a call to make_square, and the parent of make_square is the global frame.
When we evaluate the lambda expression for the second time, it produces a new pointer at a new squaring function, rather than referring to the same one from before. (Remember, you get a new function every time you read the word lambda.) Its parent is frame 2, since that's the frame we're in when we evaluate it. This pointer gets returned from the call to make_square.
Finally that pointer is bound to square_2 in the global frame. Notice how square_1 and square_2 end up pointing to different functions. That's because square_1 got bound to the pointer returned from the function call make_square(), and square_2 got bound to the pointer returned from a different function call make_square(). Each function call produced a new pointer and a new lambda function.
Check that you agree with this example, before you continue.
Telling apart different lambda functions
Occasionally you'll be working with multiple lambda functions, and it can be hard to remember which is which. For instance, take a look at this extension of the same example from before:
Here's the pyagram, right before the last line gets executed:
Now we're at the function call square_2(4). But there's a problem. Which lambda function does square_2 correspond to? Is it the one that squares its input, or the one that tries to divide by 0? The pyagram shows us square_2 is bound to a function named "λ", but it doesn't show us whichlambda expression to look at in the code.
To deal with this, we're going to write a little number next to every lambda expression in our code. This will help us tell them apart. Then, when we draw the pyagram, we'll write the corresponding number next to every lambda function that we create. Let's start by annotating our code:
Now when we draw lambda1 in our pyagram we'll name the function "λ1" rather than "λ", and when we draw lambda2 in our pyagram we'll name the function "λ2".
With this modification to the pyagram, it shows that square_2 in the global frame corresponds to lambda1 in our code. So when it's time to do the function call square_2(4), it's easy to see we should do 4 * 4 rather than 1 / 0.
def f(x, g):
y = g() + g()
return lambda y: x + y
x = 10
y = f(x - 9, lambda: x)(x)
First let's number the lambda expressions so we can tell them apart later. Here's the code after we annotate it, like we just learned in the previous section:
def f(x, g):
y = g() + g()
return lambda1 y: x + y
x = 10
y = f(x - 9, lambda2: x)(x)
We'll start the pyagram by binding f and x in the global frame.
Then we reach the last line. To complete it, we need to know the value of f(x - 9, lambda2: x)(x).
As always, the function call corresponds to a new flag in the pyagram. It consists of two parts: a function, and a single argument. The function is f(x - 9, lambda2: x), and the argument is x.
The next step is to fill in the first flag banner with the value of f(x - 9, lambda2: x). Since this is itself a function call, we'll require another flag in the pyagram. This second flag goes inside the first one. It consists of a function f, as well as two arguments x - 9 and lambda2: x.
First we will need to evaluate f. We look for it in the global frame, since that's the first frame above the flag we're working on. There we see it is bound to a pointer, which we copy down into the flag banner.
Then we will need to evaluate the arguments. To get x - 9 we need to know what x is. Just look it up in the first frame above the flag we're working on. That's the global frame, where x is 10 so x - 9 is 1.
We also need to know the value of lambda2: x. This expression directly evaluates to a new pointer at a new function, which we'll call "λ2" to indicate it corresponds to lambda2 in our annotated code above. Notice how its parent is the global frame, since we haven't yet transitioned to frame 1.
Now the flag banner is complete, so we start a new frame. It's the first frame other than the global frame, so we'll call it frame 1. It corresponds to a call on the function f, whose parent is the global frame.
As always, don't forget to bind the parameters to their respective arguments! In this case we have the parameter x bound to the argument 1, and the parameter g bound to a pointer at the function λ2.
The first line of code inside the function f is y = g() + g(). We will need to know what g() + g() is, before we go assigning the value of y.
Let's start a frame for the first function call, g().
We will look up g in frame 1, since that's the first frame above the flag we're working on. It is a pointer to the function λ2.
The flag is done so we can start frame 2. The function we're calling is λ2, and its parent is the global frame.
Take a look at the code above. It says λ2 just returns x. But x isn't defined in frame 2, so we will look for it in frame 2's parent frame. That's the global frame, where we can see x is 10.
But that's only half the answer to y = g() + g(). We also have to do a second identical function call, which will require another flag for g().
Once more we look up g in frame 1 to find that it is a pointer to λ2.
Then, with the flag done, we can start frame 3. Just like frame 2, it is for a call to the function λ2 whose parent is the global frame.
It also returns x, which we look up in the global frame to find bound to 10.
Finally we know g() + g() is 20, so we can bind y to 20 in frame 1.
Then we proceed with frame 1, which was for a call on the function f. We arrive at the line return lambda1 y: x + y. This means we're making a new pointer to a new function named λ1, and then returning that pointer. Notice how λ1's parent is frame 1, since that's the frame where we created it.
Now that frame 1 is complete, we can go back to the flag banner for f(x - 9, lambda2: x)(x). At last we know f(x - 9, lambda2: x) is a pointer to λ1, so we can fill that in.
To complete the flag banner for f(x - 9, lambda2: x) we just need to know what x is. Since the global frame is the first frame above the flag, we look for it there. It's bound to 10.
The flag banner for f(x - 9, lambda2: x) is complete, and it tells us we're calling λ1 on the argument 10. It's time to start the corresponding frame, which is frame 4. Notice how its parent frame is 1, since that's the parent of λ1, the function we're calling.
First up, we need to bind the parameter y to its argument, which is 10.
According to the code above, we can see λ1 is just supposed to return x + y. x isn't in frame 4 so we have to look for it in frame 4's parent frame. That's frame 1, which says x is 1. On the other hand y is already defined in frame 4, where it's bound to 10. So in the end we're just adding 1 + 10 to get 11.
Now that the function call it complete, we can go back to the global frame where we left off on the line y = f(x - 9, lambda2: x)(x). Since we just learned that f(x - 9, lambda2: x)(x) is 11, it looks y is getting bound to 11. This completes the pyagram.
Again, if this exercise was confusing you may want to review the procedure for drawing pyagrams. In fact, you may even want to skim or re-read some of the stuff in the sections above, just to check that everything jives with you. lambda functions can be a tricky topic, but they're something you should get familiar with.
Calling lambda functions
Now that we're familiar with defining lambda functions, let's talk about how to use them. Calling a lambda function is pretty much the same as calling any regular function, but there are a few subtle points that we should talk about explicitly.
Calling lambda functions on-the-spot
So far we've only been able to call a lambda function by first binding a variable to it. In the code below, for instance, we make square point to the function created by the lambda expression. Then we are able to call the function in the usual way by writing square(4).
>>> square = lambda x: x * x
>>> square(4)
But we could also just plug in the value of square directly:
>>> (lambda x: x * x)(4)
The only difference is that now we're creating the squaring function on-the-spot when we evaluate (lambda x: x * x), rather than referring to it with the variable square. The important thing is that (lambda x: x * x)(4) is still a function call, since it has both a function and an argument in parentheses. (The function is (lambda x: x * x) and 4 is the argument in parentheses.)
Brief aside here, also notice how we had to use parentheses around the lambda expression. That's important. Without the parentheses you get lambda x: x * x(4), which is a function that seems to take a parameter x and then multiply x with the result of a function call x(4). Whenever you want to call a lambda function on-the-spot like this, you should use parentheses to denote exactly what is part of the lambda expression, and what isn't.
Here's another example, where we use a lambda expression to get the average of 4 and 8. In this case the function is (lambda x, y: (x + y) / 2), and the arguments in parentheses are 4 and 8.
>>> (lambda x, y: (x + y) / 2)(4, 8)
Review: functions and function calls
Sometimes this stuff can get tricky. To avoid getting confused, you should get good at telling the difference betwen a function and a function call. Functions can either be bound to variables, or created on-the-spot by a lambda expression. When either of these things are followed by parentheses, that's a function call. For example:
>>> identity # Function.
>>> identity(4) # Function call.
>>> lambda x: x # Function.
>>> (lambda x: x)(4) # Function call.
Also, be careful to evaluate things only when you should. Remember how you only do the stuff inside a def statement, once you call the function? The same goes for lambda expressions. You only do the stuff after the colon once you call the function. This is a pretty common mistake so be vigilant. Consider this code for example:
both_prime = lambda x, y: is_prime(x) and is_prime(y)
This binds both_prime to a pointer at a function. It does not yet call any functions. The calls to is_prime only happen after you call both_prime.